Newmarket Window, The, celebrated as a unique surviving example of the earliest counter–balanced sliding sash window type.
Shown here is a detailed half full size wooden model representing the Newmarket Window in its supposed original 1670 form. It can be seen that the central mullion divides the window into two halves, each with a fixed top sash and a sliding bottom sash. The central mullion is solid; the jambs are drilled to accommodate the lead counterbalance weights. The bottom rail of the fixed top sash forms an integral part of the transom of the cross frame. Both top and bottom sashes are glazed with rectangular leaded lights. The lower sashes have wooden horizontal saddle bars that are integral with the sash frame. The bottom rails have turned wooden sash lifts. The window was found during recent alterations to Palace House Mansion, a Newmarket house bought in 1661 by Charles II, for use as a hunting lodge. During alterations carried out in the early eighteenth century a new door opening was formed, destroying part of window, the remains of which were hidden within a new partition wall. Further details of the curious history of the Newmarket Window can be found in the English Heritage report published in a French journal devoted to the study of glass and glazing: www.verre-histoire.org (see also Note 7, French Sashes).

niche, a shallow ornamental recess in a wall or pier, usually to contain a statue, urn, or other ornament.
But very seldom a window — the history of this curious combination is unclear.
night ventilator, night vent, traditionally a small openable light located at high level in a domestic window.
A night vent is usually too small to allow a burglar to enter through it, so may only be provided with a peg–stay, but a larger casement window serving the same purpose would need a type of casement fastener known as a two–stage locking latch (which see). This allows the window to be locked in a slightly open position, although leaving slightly vulnerable if the room it serves is at ground level.

nook–light, a small window in the corner of an inglenook fireplace.
[Picture: www.victorianpicturelibrary.com]

north–light, glazing in a window facing north.
Commonly encountered in industrial buildings in the form of a saw–tooth roof in order to avoid direct sunlight, which might hinder processes being carried out. Single large north–light windows are also found in artists’ studios and in galleries for similar reasons, the artist’s studio illustrated being located in Bedford Park, West London.